Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What in the World

Okay I know it has been a "hot minute" but so much has happened!
 I am adding pictures for fun, nothing relevant to anything. So the run down of what has been happening, Told myself I would slowly but surely put new items in shop... que in my 2nd job losing two bakers to other jobs and 3rd baker out for almost 2 weeks sick as a dog. I am taking on more work then I had in the past and was going to train in extra fields of work. Can't been too busy which is great but also draining. STILL WORKING ON DINOSAURS :,0 ... Have a head cold or congestion not sure feels like I am underwater all the time. trying to get a much rest as possible, I now have half my hearing back so doing better. I guess a lot of people have this right now. Might be due to the longer winter out here or colder , we keep getting cold fronts and no one is ready for that stuff man we
 live in a hot dry climate and this cold wet is killing us. I can't wait to be over this. Its makes doing anything take twice as long and i am losing my mind trying to keep up with things. I haven't done dishes in a month and I can't even think what else I am forgetting at this point. Glad I remember to feed and water the cats at this point. I almost forgot to eat for like 3 days one week. :,o  Can not wait for this to be over with. Hopefully next post will be fun and exciting news.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


OMG FOR REALS!!! I have been working on new things for the shop! I Made a Throw that will go up once I photograph and take measurements of it, I will also be adding Baby Blankets with Snugly toy once I redo my blanket pattern ... opps haha where do you think the throw came from :P

Working on Large Unicorn, OH MY his seems kept busting on me :D sooo FAT!

 Hoping to have Cat Toys up in shop soon, want to do a % to animal shelters in the area but I need to figure out how it all works before I can officially say that is what I am doing.

Tried out a new yarn I found at Joann's "Big Twist".... not really happy with how it turned out and really the overall feel of it. Cheap yarn is cheap for a reason. Don't be fooled by it ;(  I was hoping it would work up nicely but it feels worse and it was literally leaving chucks of  worn off yarn from the wash and dry. I didn't do anything I don't do with all my other yarns so this really put me out! I made this as a gift , something that you want to be nice and comfy not something you go hay I guess you could use it on your floor it might hold up for awhile. UGH! so much wasted time on this, the only upside was that it was cheap to buy. end rant!

SOOOOOO I found this Super awesome Fabric at a local Quilt shop and I have a MIGHTY NEED to get it! what I am going to make with it I have no clue... Tote Bag, Apron, Oven mitts, who knows! I am sure once I pick up a yard or two I will let you know :D

Monday, February 1, 2016

Valentines Day?

I will be putting up shortly V-day items, you may remember them from previous years I can't really remember the last time I made/ posted them but they are BACK!!

I will leave you with some old Photos :D hopefully I will have new photos to put in shop before the week is up but we shall see. I will for sure post them for sale before end of week for you to purchase before the big day!

Heart Keychain


I don't know if I will have Custom order ones due to the back log of commissions I have right now but keep an Eye out in the shop! I am hoping to have better pictures of the colors due to lighting and background on these its hard to see the different shades of reds and pinks.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


OKAY  I know I haven't been up to date. I was Busy .... really I was :D  Working as a Baker means that Holiday time is busy time. I worked somewhere around 6 days a week with about 10+ hours depending on orders that day. I love it but Dear Me  do you sleep like the dead once it's over.
  We Made a GingerBread Bread :D and added a little flair to our muffins as well as made our Mini loafs in holiday ceramics.  Sorry I didn't take more pictures, but to be fair we were super busy.

I have my New Years Resolutions to GET MORE THINGS IN THE SHOP!!
I am talking Unicorns, Owls, Baby Friendly Items, and much much more. We are going to be adding a Pre-made section for Quilting items Patches and other such Odds and Ends. This is the Year I get all my Ducks in a Row! 
I am still debating on adding a Section for patterns I love, you know the ones you Buy and the Sellers are Nice Enough to say Yes you can sell Items made from them just NO Resale of Patterns and make sure to Give Credit. :D I love them so but I don't know if I want to do that for the online shop, or just for conventions ( its nice to have a no brainier item that is fun and easy  to make!) I LOVE the People I buy my Patterns from and will always want to give credit to them! I tried  my hand at making readable patterns and lets just say I got a LOT of questions from my testers :( it was bad  like the worst .... oh man ....  

With that Knowledge I will leave you to work on a Birthday Gift I was commissioned to make after a Heated Game of White Elephant at my Works Christmas Party! LOL !! 
P.S. If I can remember I will take Pictures of the finished product , I am sure you will enjoy them ;)